Wills & Estates

Wills & Powers of Attorney

Preparing a Will is an important part of planning for the future. It is important to talk to someone who can guide you through the process and ensure that your intentions are put into effect following your death. We can also advise you in relation to the importance of preparing a Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian and work with you to ensure your affairs are in order in the event of your incapacity.

If you would like to prepare a Will or discuss an Estate Planning matter for yourself and or your family, give us a call and we can help guide you through the process.

Estate & Succession Planning

To ensure your financial affairs are in order before your death you need the assistance of a practical and experienced lawyer.

We also have experience in Family Provision Act claims (contesting a will).

Contact us for a free phone consultation

    Contesting a Will

    When a member of your family or someone close to you dies it is a very emotional time. These feelings are intensified if you feel you have been unfairly left out or inadequately provided for in their Will.

    If you feel as though you have been unfairly treated, you probably have good reason to feel that way and more importantly legal grounds to challenge the validity of the deceased person’s will.

    In some situations, people who have been left out or believe they have been inadequately provided for in a Will may be entitled to receive more of the deceased assets and may be able to bring a claim against the estate under the Family Provision Act 1982 (NSW).

    We can advise as to whether you are an ‘eligible’ person to bring a claim and can assist you in what is already an emotional and difficult time.

    To help take away the worry and stress associated with family disputes we offer a confidential free phone consultation from the outset, to inform you as to your potential rights in relation to the Will and you can then decide whether you wish to legally challenge the Will.

    The grounds upon which you can challenge a Will differ from state to state but in NSW they include: -

    1. You believe you are entitled tomore from the deceased person’s Estate than you have received; or
    2. At the time the Will was signed by the deceased person they did not have the capacityto make the Will; or
    3. They were under the influenceof others at the time of making the Will.

    If you are concerned about having been left out of a Will or feel you have been unfairly treated by a loved one in regard to their Will, call us for a confidential obligation free consultation. We will advise you as to whether you have valid legal grounds for challenging the Will and obtaining appropriate financial compensation.

    You might be entitled to challenge a Will if:
    • A family member or loved one has died; and
    • You believe you are entitled to more from the deceased person’s Estate than you have received; and/or
    • At the time the Will was signed by the deceased person they did not have the capacity to make the Will; and/or
    • You believe the deceased person was under the influenceof others at the time of making the Will

    Give us a call on 63 245 441 for a free confidential phone consultation so we can advise you of your entitlements.